Being a wheelchair user does not prevent people from doing sports, not even at a professional level. Of course, athletes with a disability will need specific equipment to achieve optimal performance. Sports begin to play a crucial role during the rehabilitation stage, when athletic therapy helps the athlete recover their motor skills and improve their mental strength. For wheelchair users, regular exercise is even more important than for people without disabilities when it comes to disease prevention. But sports also play an essential role in social integration. Team sports are especially beneficial because they provide a feeling of belonging and create strong bonds between teammates.

However, approaching a new sport is not always easy for wheelchair users. First of all, the anti-decubitus cushion and sports implements need to be adapted to the user’s body measurements. Then, there is always a chance that the chosen sport might prove incompatible with the athlete’s daily activities or physical requirements in the long term.

Sports wheelchairs are especially made to suit the requirements of people who, even though affected by a motor deficit, want to do sports. They have many built-in technical features and are made with special lightweight materials such as titanium, carbon and aluminium, which guarantee not only durability, endurance, and an ideal balance between ergonomics and technology, but also responsiveness and high manageability. Racing wheelchairs are equipped with three wheels to achieve the highest performance levels. Their measurements are tailored on the user’s body proportions, posture, and weight. In many respects, they are comparable to cycling, even at professional level.

A correct sitting position in the wheelchair allows the user to save energy during everyday activities and lightens the burden on the shoulders. Together, ETH Zurich and Swiss paraplegic research have developed the ergometer, a device designed to measure energy expenditure and help determine the most advantageous sitting position for the wheelchair user.

Wheelchairs for daily use are bespoke and feature incredibly advanced technology. Each chair is studied for and adapted to the individual user’s requirements. Determination, supported by the latest assistive technology, provides the ultimate push to reclaim a normal daily life and achieve personal goals.